2.6 [Capsule] Sections

The optional [Capsule] sections are used to define the components and modules that make up formatted, variable-length data structure. Capsules were designed for and are intended to be the major vehicle for delivering firmware volume changes to an existing implementation. An update capsule is commonly used to update the firmware flash image or for an operating system to have information persist across a system reset. A [Capsule] header section requires one modifier, the UiCapsuleName modifier. Zero or more [Capsule] sections can be present in a FDF file.

The following is the format for the [Capsule] section header:


The first elements of a [Capsule] section are required Token elements, using the following format.

Token = VALUE

2.6.1 UEFI Implementation

The UEFI specification defines the EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER structure in the runtime services chapter. The header consists of the following elements. The following tokens are required in a capsule conforming to the UEFI specification.


The GUID that defines the contents of a capsule, used by the EFI system table, which must point to one or more capsules that have the same EFI_CAPSULE_GUID value.


Size in bytes of the capsule header. If the size specified here is larger than the size of the EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER, then the capsule GUID value implies extended header entries.


Currently, three bit flags have been defined:

InitiateReset       = CAPSULE_FLAGS_INITIATE_RESET and

The value of the EFI_CAPSULE_IMAGE_SIZE, which is the size in bytes of the capsule, is determined by the tools.

In order to use the InitiateReset flag, the PersistAcrossReset flag must also be set.

2.6.2 Capsule SET Statements

SET statements are used to define the values of PCD statements. These statements are positional in the FDF file. SET statements are set for the [Capsule] section, those set under the [Capsule] section header are global for all sub-sections within the [Capsule] section.


The following is an example of the SET statement.

SET gEfiMyTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSecStartLocalApicTimer = TRUE

The VALUE specified must match the PCD's datum type and must be the content data.

For a PCD that has a datum type of VOID*, the data can be a Unicode string, as in L"text", a valid C data array (it must be either a C format GUID or a hex Byte array), as in {0x20002000, 0x32FF, 0x00AA, {0xFF, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xEF, 0x1A, 0x55}}. Other PCD datum types are either boolean values or a hex value, as in 0x0000000F, with a value that is consistent with the PCD's datum type.

2.6.3 Capsule Data

EFI_CAPSULE_DATA follows the EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER token definitions in the [Capsule] section or sub-sections. The content consists of one or more files, FD UiName, FV UiName or the following. INF Statements

The INF statement syntax is common to the syntax used for [FV] sections. Refer to section 2.4.4 above. FILE Statements

FILE statement syntax is common to the syntax used for [FV] sections. Refer to Section 2.5.5.